For countless thousands of years human beings from all continents and all religious backgrounds have utilized some form of the vision quest ritual. The reasons that individuals choose to quest are countless and include; enlightenment, direction, vision, rite of passage, and answers. Each vision quest is a very personal experience and it is not one that we can, nor strive to, predict for any of our participants. Our experienced staff is on site 24 hours a day throughout the experience and will provide a strong center which will establish a safe environment for your experience to flourish. The ritual that we facilitate at Earth Native is not attached to any particular dogma or religion and is open to people from all backgrounds.
What is a vision quest? A vision quest as we define it is: Spending a significant amount of time in the natural world alone seeking. Simple, right?
Participants will spend 4 days and 4 nights alone in the Wilderness in their quest circle with minimal supplies (basic sleeping gear, clothing, and water). During the quest participants do not eat. The idea is to fast from as many things that are familiar as possible, meaning no reading material, pen/paper, cell phone, watch, etc. This course includes a day before the quest for prepping the quest site, journaling, and various discussions about the quest and what to expect. A full day after your quest is included, for recovery and journaling about your experience as well as help with re-integration back into your life.
The vision quest is an incredible experience, however, it is very challenging, takes a lot of courage, and is not for those who are not truly dedicated to the experience. If you feel that this experience is right for you at this moment in time we are confident that you will find it and us.